Trinity Club Scavenger Hunt

Trinity Club Scavenger Hunt

This is a spring themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Out in nature.
I created this game for our first youth group meeting. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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spring scavenger hunt background
If you're from Marley you'll know the identity of the pastor, if not, go here to find out and let the closest youth leader know for your next clue!
Good Job! Now that you know the pastor, when does Marley have their Sunday service? When you know the answer, let a nearby youth leader know and you'll get your next clue!
You're doing great so far! Now that you know the pastor and when the services occur, you need to know the history. How long has the church been at its current location? Find a youth leader and let them know you're answer and they'll give you the next clue!
Wow! You're brilliant! It's time to leave for Messiah for the next leg of the hunt. Find a youth leader or parent for a ride!
You know the pastor of Marley UMC, but how about the Messiah pastor. Find for yourself or buddy with a Messiah youth for the answer. As soon as you know, tell a youth leader and move on to the next clue!
Is your brain hurting your skull?? You are so smart! So, you know Messiah's pastor, huh? When you can you attend a service? Find out and tell a youth leader your answer for your next clue!
Good Going! You're all set with the pastor and the service times for Messiah. So, how long has Messiah been in its current location? Find a youth leader so you can get the next clue! We're gonna head to Solley UMC! Catch a ride with a youth leader or parent! We'll see you there!
Now a tricky question: Who's the pastor of Solley UMC? Buddy up to a Solley youth or figure it out on your own! Tell a youth leader and get the next clue!
Great! I told you it was a tricky question! So, with the same pastor for Messiah and Solley, when does Solley have their service? Find the answer and share with a youth leader and you'll get your last clue!
Almost done! If you're thinking your next destination is pizza--NOT SO FAST! No one gets any pizza until everyone completes all of the missions. So, if someone is lagging behind, now would be the time to help them if you want to eat tonight! The last clue is simple: What have you learned from these missions overall? Let a youth leader know and you're closer to dinner!

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