When you leave a store, you can almost never carry all of your items without one of these.Look for me near a tree.
You put me on your hand to keep it warm, but I'm not a mitten, I'm a ______. Look for me near the com-poster.
I am an animal you can play with online. Look for me near the pond.
I give you a discount at stores, and sometimes something for free. Look for me near the shed.
I solve mysteries and my last name rhymes with "Hansen". Look for me near the hot tub.
You need me to drink hot-chocolate. Look for me near the grill.
I'm very sticky and you can use me to hang things on your wall. Look for me near the garden.
You use me everyday in school, I'm used not to be written on, but to be ______. Look for me near the swing.
I'm white with 2 cottony ends. Some people use me to clean their ears. Look for me in a flower pot.
I'm used to buy things in Europe, but you can't use me in the U.S.A. Look for me near the dog bowl.
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