Schule Jagd

Schule Jagd

This is a back-to-school themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Around school.
This is a scavenger hunt for my Middle School German students.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

Rating: 3 out of 5 with 2 ratings
Downloaded: 1 times

back-to-school scavenger hunt background
In this place you find adventure of all kinds. Find "ein Buch" about Deutschland. "Schreib" the title.
In same area, you'll see ein Bild of famous Deutschen. Wie heisst der Mann who lived the longest? Age?
We have an adult in this building who knows the law very well. Ask how to say their occupation auf Deutsch.
In this Klassenzimmer, Studenten make Musik. Outside the door find a German Bild."Schreib" a word from it.
Welche Farbe Augen hat Frau Bertels OR Frau Dowell? Write the color in German!
Ask another 8th grade Lehrer/Lehrerin (Not Mrs.Bertels!)to "Schreib". Bring back their signature.
Outside of Herr Barnell und Herr Willis Klassenzimmer es gibt ein Lineal. Nimm ein Lineal heraus!
Welche Farbe hat die Spanische Fahne? Auf Deutsch!
Ask, Frau Fulmer for a "map". Ask in German!
Wie viele Schreibtisch do we have in our Klassenzimmer?

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