#1.Locate the 2nd GRADE, ESL, QUARTER 4, LESSON RESOURCE,UNIT 12, WEEK 2: INTERVENTION LESSON,ELAR & ELPS <span style="display: inline !important;">READING TEK #:_____</span>
<span style="display: inline !important;">#2.Locate the 2nd GRADE,ESL, QUARTER 4, LESSON RE-SOURCE UNIT 12, WEEK 2:IN-TERVENTION LESSON,PHONICS LESSON DAY 2, REACH TE p.T134 "____________________"</span>
<span style="display: inline !important;">#3.Locate the 2nd GRADE,ESL, QUARTER 4, LESSON RE-SOURCE UNIT 12, WEEK 2:IN-TERVENTION LESSON, Weekly Grammar Rule of Focus: Grammar: TEK 2.2(b)use common syllabication pat- terns to ___________________________________________</span>
#8. Log in to myngconnect.com. Locate MY VOCABULARY NOTE-BOOK training video. What is the 1st step?____________________________________
#4. Locate the 2nd GRADE, ELAR, UNIT 12, LESSON RE- SOURCES, IFD, READING TEK #:__________________________
#9. Under RESOURCES DIRECTORY, STUDENT RESOURCES, REACH LEVEL C, UNIT 2, SING WITH ME, then select_______________________________________________________
#10. Within the ASSESSMENT RESOURCES, list 3 things you can do with a REACH Level C Assessment <div>1.______________________ 2. ______________________3. _____________________</div>
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