I drink, but not from a glass; I eat with ten thousand fingers. What am I?"
You use it between your head and your toes, the more it works the thinner it grows. What am I?
Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale What am I?
I am the color brown. You will find me if you look down. Creatures stomp on me, When they run wild and free. I am found all over town.
I have keys but I don't open a door. What am I?
I go up and down at the very same time, but never stop. what am i?
I have a face that does not frown. I have no mouth, just a familiar sound. I have hands that do not wave, I do not walk, but I move around. What am I?
The more I dry, the wetter I become... What am I?
Look for a rainbow in a box What am I?
I have a neck, but no head, but I still wear a cap What am I?
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