Put on the whole Armor of God

Put on the whole Armor of God

This is a passover themed scavenger hunt game intended for other, and played other.
This is a fun and active game to help promote both learning God word as well as learn how to effectively work in groups. Can you find the best hidden treasure ever!? . It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 207 times

passover scavenger hunt background
Locate the belt of truth. Take the belt of truth to five different adults and recite the five scriptures to the those adults.
Locate the Sword of the Spirit and then have a sword fight with your enemy who will be waiting for you to have an all out battle!
Locate the shield of faith, come to the (designated person) to test your shield against the fiery darts that will be fired at you. Get hit once in a place without your shield and you're dead!
Unscramble the word#2, search to find the items and bring them back to the original start line.
Unscramble the word #1, search to find the items and bring them back to the original start line
In order for your whole team to be saved and delivered from coming destruction and ultimate eternal damnation, you must find and put on your helmet and come back to the finish line wearing it on your head.
Get a signature from Msy. Kenya and head to your next mission
Take a group picture using someone's iPhone,save it and show the person running the game.
Get a signature from Elder Tony and head to your next mission
Final, pick one person on your team or maybe a group of no more then three people to recite Ephesian 6: 10-20!

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