PE Scavenger HUnt

PE Scavenger HUnt

This is a sports themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Around school.
A year end review game.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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sports scavenger hunt background
Station #1 Basketball! Every member of your team must shoot free throws until they make 5. Other teammates may rebound.
Rock Paper Scissors! Find a PE Teacher, challenge them to a RPS game. Win a best of 5 to collect a popsicle stick.
Station #2 Relay Tree Jog. One at a time every team member must run, tag the next person before they can run.
Station #3 Soccer! Each teammate must dribble the soccer ball through the pylons and score a goal at the end.
Tile Location! Describe the tile the is to the right of the door of room #5 in the school.
How Many? How many trophies are in the display case outside of Mr. Cursiter's grade 2 door?
Station #4 Rugby! Line yourselves up to make only backwards passes to every member of your group (hint: we did this in class)
Station #5 Skipping! One player must skip continuously while everyone else in the group sings the alphabet. If they stop before the end of the song, start again.
100 Exercises! As a group, name and do 10 of each exercise until you reach 100. (Must include push-ups and burpees)
Station #6 Each person must tell how they have improved this year in PE. Have one person record the answers on the back of this sheet.

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