1) I'm copper, about 5' in diameter & came from a Monroe, WI cheesemaker. I'm in the ground & planted.
2) You will find 4 of us, spring, summer, autumn and winter, near fish, surrounded by geometric shrubs.
3) I am springfed, over 100' deep in spots, and used to provide sand & gravel in the early 1900s.
4) Made out of utility & light poles from the old City sewer plant, I am red and span the water.
5) A stone Druid, I witness many weddings & receptions, with pine boughs cradled in my arms.
6)Opposite the Druid, I am handcarved limestone and graced the Parker Pen head-quarters for years.
7) Look carefully to the left and right behind Clue #6 and spot 2 hard faces from old City Hall.
8) Bear right towards the Gazebo and sneak up on 5 playful ursines in the shade.
9) Built of brick and 2 stories tall, I was home to a cattle auctioneer and his family in the 1930s.
10) Horses were tied to me. Find me close to where RBG mail is left, outside of Clue #9.
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