Moral Teaching Scavenger hunt

Moral Teaching Scavenger hunt

This is a valentines1 themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played other.
I created this game for the social foundations of curriculum presentation.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Find a photo of a person who was considered moral that we would like to have our students learn about because of their writings and principles.
Find the photos of Maxine Greene, Van Cleve Morris,Dewey, and Piaget and their persectives of moral development.
Aesop's Fables can be used as a way to teach morality at an early age. Find a fable that does that.
Students such as nonreaders, "slow" learners and limited English speaking, and those that are just not able to read and understand good literature can make up as much as have our students. Find an item that can be used to reach those students.
Books that teach virtues can often be influenced by their community's attitudes. Find a book on the list of the 25 recommended works to be read by 8th grade.
Moral character is difficult to teach and cannot be taught by one teacher. Ted and Nancy Sizer discuss several ways to deal with students and developing moral character. See pages, 136 & 137 for their view. Also, find the photo of the Sizer's and their family as well as the moral issues extremists, Amy Gutman and Nel Noddings.
According to John Goodlad schools teach content and skills instead of asking moral questions and requiring students to grapple with the answers or the context in which the moral question is asked. Find page 134 in your text book for an explanation on what sometimes happens when subjects may be uncomfortable to discuss.
Now we know that reading great books are one way to learn moral knowledge as well as other information, but the habit of reading could be lost due to the digital world. Find something that challenges the interest in reading books.
Philip Phenix's view is that moral knowledge are society's laws and customs which can be taught in courses but moral conduct cannot be taught; rather it is learned by participating in the everyday life of society. Find a photo for Philip Phenix. The finder of the photo should read on page 135 the 2nd paragraph under moral teaching his other thoughts on the subject of moral teaching.
Achievement problems in reading have been attributed to "summer setback; with those children from economically disadvantaged households not having books available and also having language restricted due to parents not communicating as well and not requiring reading in the summer months. The suggestion is to require summer school for all low-achieving students starting in the first grade.

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