Lego Star Wars Scavenger Hunt

Lego Star Wars Scavenger Hunt

This is a outer-space themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around home.
I created this game for my son><input id=. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 6 times

outer-space scavenger hunt background
You shall begin your journey as a padawan. Find something to wear with what you have in your room. Imagination you must use...
Report past the stairs of doom and the second task: Look for the death star plans. Who may be guarding it? Next Clue?
Receive instructions in jedi training from the command center. Who's the boss?
Preparation of the jedi: File along to where stormtroopers would be at leisure. Be prepared to fight.
The first task to complete: Get past the stairs of doom. Use the force for lasers you must avoid.
Oh-no! Your wounded! Quickly be bandaged for death is near. Where could you be nursed back to health?
Uh-oh!Two odd banthas need to go outside! But one of them is trapped. Can you help them?
Play the tune of Vader. Once this task is complete unscramble the clues for the final...
Here is your first test. Are you ready? Gather the family and win a game of jedi bingo.
COUNTDOWN!!! Review all past clues, important they are. Entertain yourself the prize is hidden.

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