Lady Eagles 1st Annual Scavenger Hunt

Lady Eagles 1st Annual Scavenger Hunt

This is a sports themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played Around town.
I created this game as a team bonding event. We are going to compete with each other and for each other. The winning team gets to have one hour of practice to do whatever they want.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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sports scavenger hunt background
Find a flag and take a photo with teammates saluting it. Double points if you can find someone to take the photo for you. (50/100pts)
Take a photo of an alarmingly out of date bumper sticker on a beat up old car. (50 pts)
Use one person in the group with the longest name and spell it out with sticks, marbles, leaves etc. The most creative wins. Bonus: Have that teammate lay on the ground with their name. (50/100pts)
Get a business card from a local cosmetic salesperson in a mall store. Bonus: Take a photo with the salesperson handing you the card. (50/100pts)
Video mission: Do a dance inside an elevator with people inside of it. Bonus: Video their faces as they watch Double Bonus:Get them to dance too. (100/150/200 pts)
All members of the group except the camera person, strike an interesting pose. Bonus: If whole group is in photo. (50/100 pts)
Snap a photo with a happily married couple. Say cheese!!(50 pts)
video: Get a video of 1 team member getting a piggy back ride from a stranger. Bonus: If you can get the stranger to ride more than one of you. No POST student can help!! (100/200pts)
Snap a photo of your team with a police officer in uniform (a security guard will work as well. Bonus: If everyone is in the photo, and you can get another police officer to take the photo. (100/150 pts)
Video & Double Bonus: Get a video of your teammates reenacting a scene from a famous movie (or any movie). Bonus: If you can get a stranger to have a part in the movie. (250/500 pts)

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