Indoor Birthday

Indoor Birthday

This is a birthday-party themed scavenger hunt game intended for Everyone, and played Around home.
11 year old birthday. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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Downloaded: 1 times

birthday-party scavenger hunt background
Happy Birthday Ryan!! Mommy is sorry she couldn't be here, but I hope you'll have some fun until I'm near.
You're going thru these clues at a good pace The next one is hidden in the fire-----.
It is super important to keep your teeth clean...go to where the items are that help them gleam
For this surprise, you'll have to find the tool that keeps our grass the right size??
Where would you find some fluffy friends with big eyes? They may have something to share with you.
To play your favorite sport, you might find stuff you need here?
You might find something sweet where Coopie keeps his treats??
We go to this item when we need an answer or want to search for something??
When you fall and skin your knee where do you find what you need to stop the bleed?
I love you with all my heart and I hope you enjoyed you little b-day scavenger game from the very start. Happy Birthday Snicker!

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