Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt

Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt

This is a pirates themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around school.
I created this game for Caldwell Golden Ticket Winners.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

Rating: 5 out of 5 with 1 ratings
Downloaded: 13 times

pirates scavenger hunt background
Find the person in the school who is responsible for keeping it clean and orderly. She is found all over the school.
Find the person in the school who takes care of students who are sick, need to take medicine or even when they lose a tooth.
Find the person who prepares the food at the school for students and staff.
Find the person at the school who takes care of the library, the books, and helps teachers use technology with students.
Find the person at the school who teaches us about character traits, leads our student council and is the best person to talk to.
Find the person at our school who runs the school office, does the fundraiser and who is always busy and helpful.
Find the person in the school office who takes attendance, answer the phone and helps parents and volunteers.
Find the person who helps Ms.Flowers with everything. She works with teachers, helps with discipline and is very smart and nice.
Find the people who help our teachers. They share an office close to the front door of the school and are always working hard.
Find the person that helps students and families with clothing, school supplies, and other needs. She is always willing to help.

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