Expo 2012 Photo Scavenger Hunt

Expo 2012 Photo Scavenger Hunt

This is a wizards themed scavenger hunt game intended for Everyone, and played other.
Photo Scavenger Hunt for Expo 2012. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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wizards scavenger hunt background
Take a picture with a Stern employee.
Take a picture of Thing from Addams Family grabbing a ball.
Take a picture of one of your team playing the newest pinball machine in the building.
Take a picture of a pin with a mini-playfield.
Take a picture of one of your team playing the oldest flipper game in the building.
Hint: " 'Tis but a scratch!" "A scratch? Your arm's off!"
Hint: "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory".
Take a picture of a backglass featuring the actor who appears on the most pinball backglasses.
Hint: "You can't just go around killing people." "Why?" "What do you mean why? 'Cause you can't."
Take a picture with a PAPA champ.

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