Drew Bparty

Drew Bparty

This is a sports themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played Around home.
hunt. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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sports scavenger hunt background
Often when you say goodbye, I am what you have to tie
You use it between your head and your toes, the more it works the thinner it grows
What has a net but can%u2019t catch
If you're in a hungry mood, go here first and find some food
You sit on the coach and toggle, while using X,O. Rhymes with Aladdin.
I have a sound that goes beep, and while the time I do keep, my main function is to heat
Here, that swashbuckler DREW sleeps You won't find any treasure betwixt his sheets Of old dirty socks, you'll follow the smell And find your booty where the monsters dwell.
People knock on me to hello but you lock me up when they go. What am I?
I am the place where the pan dwells. I'm smaller than a closet and better than shelves. I hold odds and ends whenever you need me Open me up and your treasure you will see.
You could always send a bottled message in the sea If you want to send it the landlubber way, give it to me. I'll give you letters and cards, whatever your pleasure Today, I will even give you treasure!

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