Clinic scavenger hunt

Clinic scavenger hunt

This is a brain-science themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played other.
I created this game for new medical staff to become familiar with the location of important areas and items.. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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brain-science scavenger hunt background
If you need a jump start, you need to find me stat! *Defibrillator *Crash cart
Pediatrics!!!!! *Broselow Bag (nurses station) *Baby scale (ER 3) *Wall mounted height meter (outside ER 3)
Don't run out of breath looking for me! *Oxygen tubing *O2 Tubing connectors *Ambu bag *Suction *Rapid Intubation Kit
We need help, hurry call someone! *In the "Phone book" find these numbers:Ambulance,Providers,Lab and X-Ray,and Nursing staff(hint:I'm at the nurses station) 911...Police Help! *Panic Buttons
QRST, where could I be? *EKG Machine *Turn on the dynamap, try it out!!Hint:"stat BP" and "Normal Screen" buttons are your friends!
When more help is needed and or on the way; use me! *Life flight button on wall at nurses station (blue and red) *Heli-pad lights(in the boiler room);ask someone for help if you don't know where this is please!)
Wounds/Irrigation *Gauze *Tape *Coban *Saline Solution
Hmm! Where oh where is the PPE?-On the wall in every room-: *Sharps Containers *Gowns,Gloves,and Masks
*IV start kit and flushes *IV Catheters 24-16 Gauge *Catheter extension set *Fluids *Primary tubing *Pumps
Every patients favorite... * The Blanket Warmer

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