

This is a passover themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played On the road.
Bible characters. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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passover scavenger hunt background
Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell the story of Jesus.
I have long hair, but don't mistake me and my great looks as a girl. The secret to my great strength is my long hair.
I once was physician that wrote a detailed account of Christ's life.
I once was tempted like a girl with chocolate and ate of the forbidden fruit.
I never experienced death and was taken up in a whirl wind.
I lost hope of having my own children and laughed in my husband's face when he said the Lord would give me a son.
I once killed those who claimed to live, but after my encounter with God I was called an apostle.
I am quite the character. I became queen and saved my people.
I am a follower of Christ but denied him not twice, but three times.
I am a tiny man who conquered a giant. I went on to write many psalms.

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