1.Open the Chromebook and please log in. Example: jgalloway@st.mscusd.org
6.Can you find Mrs.Back's webpage? What is Chapter 2's title? Bookmark her webpage!
2.Open up Google Chrome. Type www.msjhseventhgrade.weebly.com
7.Find Mrs. Galloway's webpage and blog. Write a response to answer the first blog post. Be sure to bookmark her page!
3.Use the assignment tab to find the weekly assignments page. What is your ELA homework for Wednesday, August 23?
8.When will you be taking a Safety Quiz in Mrs. Forbes's class? (Hint) Use her webpage! Be sure to bookmark her page.
4.Bookmark that page to save it on your tool bar!Click the star on the right side of the address bar.
9.Can you find the CPM math homework help page using Mr. Jones's webpage? Use your access code from math to view the first homework assignment.
5.Find the Skyward Family Access link. Bookmark it!
10. We hope you learned how to successfully navigate the helpful resources you have access to.
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