Nursing Home Week Scavenger Hunt

Nursing Home Week Scavenger Hunt

This is a summer themed scavenger hunt game intended for Adults, and played other.
A group of 4 residents and 4 staff members go throughout the facility to hunt for various items. The first group to retreive all the items on the list wins!!. It is totally free to download, enjoy

Rating: 5 out of 5 with 3 ratings
Downloaded: 5 times

summer scavenger hunt background
1-Lets go Cuil Didin Teams-First to collect most clues wins the Gold!!
6.This box can talk yet there are many but this is the biggest who all like to watch
2.This red flowering plant never dies and was made by human hand yet its not a Da Vinci.
7. Our Chef's change it every day with colours black and red.
3.Once recommended by Doctors, this room could take your breath away..clue lies behind its door.
8. It can be grand but this one may be out of tune.
4.Look towards Rome to find the framed Argentinian.
9-She appeared to many and often wept.
5.This post can be dog friendly and can guide you on your way from house centre.
Hope you had a happy hunting experience !!

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