Dragon Scavenger hunt

Dragon Scavenger hunt

This is a dragons themed scavenger hunt game intended for Primary school, and played other.
Camping at the castle. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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dragons scavenger hunt background
Find the largest rock on  the land. Seek the key to unlock the magic of the   dragon.
I am your border,         I mark the edge.           I am made of              pickets, chain            or hedge. Find the         key to save the mother    dragons.
A circle we sit watching  the red and orange logs   that spit. Look but do   not lift. Find the key   to   release the baby    dragons.
<span style="font-family: &quot;Open Sans&quot;; display: inline !important;">Look but do not touch.                   Find a  key near a knight                  in the Kingdom. If you can,  you       will open the dragons eye.</span>
I stay stacked up nice and neat, fire me up, and I   will warm your feet. Find the box with the dragons  heart.
Where water runs deep     walk over me for          dry feet to keep. Don'   t forget the key to unlock  the magic.
You need to walk around   every castle in town for a water. Exchange the key to save the mother dragons
Hurry, hurry the babies    hatch on Sunday use your  key to unlock the sword   and take them home!
Slay the dragon for up to 5 pieces of gold.
Last piece of the puzzle  find Banshee's eye bring  it back for your final       surprise. 

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