Jesse's Pesach Scavenger Hunt

Jesse's Pesach Scavenger Hunt

This is a passover themed scavenger hunt game intended for Teenagers, and played Around home.
Fun for teens!. It is totally free to download, enjoy

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passover scavenger hunt background
<span id="docs-internal-guid-c29c05c4-7fff-f90c-dfe5-75caed3162fd"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">When Pharoah laid down the decree to slay all first born Jewish children, a young Mother, Yocheved put her child into something like this and sent him down the river.</span></span>
After many years, we made it to Israel! So exciting! Bring us something that   reminds you of Israel
When G-d spoke to Moses    for the first time, he did so by way of a Burning    _ _ _ _. Go get a small   piece of one  
We try to be inclusive at our Seder tables, inviting all of those who have no  Seder of their own - and  always leaving the door   open for Eliyahu! 
Find something that        represents one of the      plagues. Be prepared to    explain why!
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AHH! The yeast didn't have time to rise, and we're    left with Matzah! What can I eat it with? 
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Our fearless leader Moses  parted the Red Sea! Bring us something that reminds you of a time where you    were a fearless leader! 
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