TaKe A pIcTuRe WiTh A sTrAnGeR...
TaKe A PiCtUrE wItH a CuTe PoLiCeMaN...
TaKe A pIcTuRe WiTh StReEt PeRfOrMeR...
FiNd CuTe MaTcHiNg OuTfItS fRoM hEaD tO tOeS aNd TaKe A pIC...
gEt A dIsPoSaBlE sTaRbUcKs CuP sIgNeD bY An EmPlOyEe...
FiNd tHe MoSt ExPeNsIvE iTeM aT a jEwElRy StOrE aNd TrY iT oN tAkE a pIcTuRe WiTh It...
eAcH MeMbEr oF tHe gRoUp BuY a $10 PrEsEnT tO tHeIr SeCrEt FrIEnD... (eXaCt AmOuNt InClUdInG tAx)
FiNd ThE mOsT uNIqUe ThInG aT pIkE pLaCe aNd TaKe A pIc... (BoNuS If YoU BuY iT)
TaKe A PiCtUrE oF OnE oF tHe TeAmMaTeS gEtTiNg ThEiR mAkEuP dOnE aT sePhoRa...
AtFtEr YoU AlL dOnE mEeT iNfRoNt Of pIkE pLaCe AnD tAkE a gRoUp PiCtUrE...
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